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Letters to my Children by Benn Haidari

When Benn Haidari was separated from his children by domestic turbulence and physical distance, he refused to become just another absent father. With only the simplest medium and purest will, he set out to maintain contact the only way he knew how: a series of letters to his children. In them, he carefully identifies the lessons he thinks they ought to learn about life and, through these ideas,

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Father Ambros Mkenda wa Kanisa la Katoliki la Mpendae amepigwa risasi

Father Ambros Mkenda wa Kanisa la Katoliki la Mpendae amepigwa risasi na watu wasiojulikana nje ya nyumba yake majira ya saa 12 jioni jana wakati akitokea kanisani. Kamanda wa polisi wa Mkoa wa Mjini Magharibi Azizi Juma amethibisha kutokea kwa tukio hilo na amesema hakuna mtu anayeshikiliwa kuhusika na tukio hilo lakini uchunguzi unaendelea. Father Mkenda hivi sasa anapatiwa matibabu

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